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Filler Aftercare

Whilst it’s really exciting to show off your new filler treatment after your appointment, its also really important to follow aftercare advice, in order to reduce the risk of anything going wrong or having any complications. 

Below is the main aftercare advice I will ask you to follow however if you have any questions either before or after treatment please just ask Ellie. 

  • Avoid touching the treated area or applying with products for 6 hours after treatment treatment. After that light makeup can be applied and the area can be gently washed with soap and water.

  • Until the initial swelling and redness has resolved please do not expose the area to intense heat. Eg sunbeds, steam rooms, sunbathing or extreme cold.

  • Please do not exercise for 48 hours after your procedure as it can cause migration of filler.

  • If you have previous suffered facial herpes, there is a risk that injections could contribute to another eruption. Ask Ellie before any injectable treatment and we can prescribe some anti viral medication to reduce outbreaks.

  •  If you are using aspirin or any similar medication, please be aware that this may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site.

  • All injections will causes an inflammatory response – This means two things:

  • This is not your final result – It is not uncommon for the treatment area to remain swollen for up to two weeks. During this time the area may look very uneven, feel bumpy, bruised, discoloured and may feel sore. Please do not panic. It is normal during this period to not be entirely happy with your results. Patience here is key, however I am always happy for you to come back for a review at any time.

- The final result will be apparent approximately 14 days after treatment. If you have any concerns, please book in for a review after this two-week period is up. Any initial discomfort during this period can be eased by application of ice.

If you have any concerns, please contact Ellie immediately.

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